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ရခိုုင္သမိုုင္းဆိုုင္ရာ အခ်က္အလက္တိ၊ ပညာသွ်င္ေဆာင္းပါးတိ၊ သုုေတသနစာတမ္းတိနန္ ့တျခားစိတ္၀င္စားဖိုု ့ေကာင္းေရ မွတ္စုုမွတ္ရာေခ်တိကိုု ေဒနိန္ရာမွာ ရွာဖတ္ၾကည့္ႏိုုင္ပါေရ။အဂၤလိပ္ပိုုင္ရြီးထားေရ ေဒစာတမ္းတိေရ ဘြဲ ့လြန္ေက်ာင္းသားတိ၊ ပညာသွ်င္တိနန္ ့ရခိုုင္သမိုုင္းကိုုေလ့လာလိုုက္စားနိန္သူရိုု ့အတြက္ အေထာက္အကူျဖစ္စီႏိုုင္ပါေရ။
- History Arakan Eighty Years Ago
- 02chapter1
- 03chatpter2
- 04chapter3
- 05chapter4
- 06chapter5
- 07appendices
- 08bibliography
- 22Charney1993thesis
- a1669
- A Buddhist Land of Rakhaing
- A Discussion of Muslim influ in Mrauk-U Period
- A Glimpse of Arakan in 1630 AD
- Al Qaeda
- An Arakanese Poem of the 16th century
- A New Division of the Earth
- Arakan- A promised land
- Arakan33
- Arakan during the Mrauk-U Period
- Arakanese Proverbs
- Arakan History
- Arakan King Letter to Dutch King
- Arakan Past Present and Future
- Arakan Roma Review
- A Study of Arakan's subjection
- Arakanese Kings
- Arakanese Nationalism
- A short account of the Hill Tribes of North Arakan
- Arakanese Buddhist King with Muslim Names
- Burma's Economic and Diplomatic Relations with India and China from Early Medieval Sources
- Burma and the war in the pacific
- Captain Hiram Cox's Mission to Burma, 1796-1798
- Charney's paper
- Crisis and Reformation in The Kingdom of Arakan in 1603-1701
- Dom Martin (Arakanese Prince)
- Earthquake in Arakan Roma
- King Bering
- Literature on the Mrauk-U
- Oil Discovered in Arakan
- Opium and its effects
- Phd Thesis on the History of Arakan
- The Arakan State
- The Portuguese in Lower Burma- Filipe de Brito de Nicote
- An Outline of the Arakanese Rule in Southeast Bengal
- A Burmese Saint
- Ancient Cities in Burma
- A new division of the earth
- A New Palace for Mra Swan Dewi
- An Old Arakanese Love Poem
- Another Arrangement
- Arakan and the First Anglo-Burmese War 1824-25
- British India
- Burma's economic and diplomatic relations with India and China
- Burma- An Undeveloped Monsoon Country
- Burma 1978 The Thirtieth Year of Independence
- Burma and the War in the Pacific
- Burmese Earthworms
- Burmese Sources for the History of the Konbaung
- Chained Images
- Communications in Burma
- Component Geographic Factors of the Natural Regions of Burma
- Contributions towards the History of Anglo
- Crisis and Reformation in a Maritime Kingdom of Southeast Asia
- Dimapur
- Diversity and Unity in Southeast Asia
- Education in Burma
- Ethnic Minorities and the Future of Burma
- Extract from a Letter from Captain Cadell
- Extracts from a Paper on the Surface Currents of the Bay of Bengal
- Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in the Phillppines
- Lake Shirwa or Kilwa
- Lord Amherst and Pegu
- Memorandum on the Comparative Progress of the Provinces
- Minority Peoples in the Union of Burma
- Models of the Mahabodhi Temple
- Native Smoking Pipes from Burma
- Nomenclature of Certain Pycnonotidae
- Notes on Arakan
- ONGC's Decline and What Should Be Done
- On the Races of Dryobates Hardwickii in Slam
- On Vardhamana Again
- Opium and Its Effects
- Outline of military operations
- Pir Badar in Burma
- Population Dislocation in the Chittagong Hills
- Positivists and Buddhists
- Red-haired Men
- Refugees from Burma
- Relics, Statues, and Predictions
- Unwanted Migrants
- Burma and International Terrorism
- Buddhism under a military regime
- Burma-China relation playing with fire
- Burma and US sanctions
- Burma in 2002
- Burmese domestic policy- the politics of Burmanization
- Burmese exiles and the changing politics of aid
- Democracy, Power and the economy in Burma
- Doing Business with rights violating regimes
- Ethnics politics in 18th century Burma
- How the world has failed Burma
- Intellectuals and the National Vision
- International Rivalries in Burma- The rise of economic competition
- Is regime change enough for Burma
- Military rule in Burma
- Myanmar in EU-ASEAN relations
- Political stability and minority groups in Burma
- Political parties and national elections of Burma
- Prospects for justice and stability in Burma
- Raise and fall of U Nu
- Religious and politics in modern Burma
- Rethinking US sanctions policy
- Setting the rules for survival
- The survival of Burmese regime against the current
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